El sábado fuimos con los chicos a la Bombonera. Los llevamos a visitar el museo y la cancha. Los dos más chicos no la conocián, y bueno allá partimos (cosa que no nos cuesta mucho, somos todos socios e hinchas!!!). La verdad es que vamos seguido a ver jugar a Boca; yo tuve que ceder mi platea a mi hijo mayor y quedarme en casa con el resto de la tropa. La cancha es totalmente diferente cuando no hay partidos. El bullicio de la gente no deja ver detalles que pasan desapercibidos en la multitud. Durante el verano vamos por alguna cuestión administrativa o simplemente a pasear, como esta ocasión. Aprovechando el momento, mamá que no puede con su genio, ni bien bajó del auto empezó con su camarita. Dale!!!! una voz me llamaba (mi marido!). Y es que de afuera nunca le prestamos atención, le dije.
On Saturday we went with the boys to the Bombonera, that's how we call Boca Juniors Stadium. We took them to visit the museum and the field. The youngest did not know it. The truth is that we go several times to see Boca play, but it has a different view when is matchtime. The crowd don't let you see details that are hide in every corner. During the summer we go for any administrative matter or simply a walk, as this time. Had the camera with me.
Sobre la calle Del Valle Iberlucea hay una serie de pinturas que evocan el aire inmigratorio de los orígenes del barrio pintados por Rómulo Macció, pintor argentino; que uno nunca mira. Miren pués....
On Del Valle Iberlucea Street are several paints with the imnigratory aspects that formed La Boca City. They were painted by Rómulo Macció, argentinean artist.
On Saturday we went with the boys to the Bombonera, that's how we call Boca Juniors Stadium. We took them to visit the museum and the field. The youngest did not know it. The truth is that we go several times to see Boca play, but it has a different view when is matchtime. The crowd don't let you see details that are hide in every corner. During the summer we go for any administrative matter or simply a walk, as this time. Had the camera with me.
Sobre la calle Del Valle Iberlucea hay una serie de pinturas que evocan el aire inmigratorio de los orígenes del barrio pintados por Rómulo Macció, pintor argentino; que uno nunca mira. Miren pués....
On Del Valle Iberlucea Street are several paints with the imnigratory aspects that formed La Boca City. They were painted by Rómulo Macció, argentinean artist.
Este bellísimo mural (son dos en realidad) del artista argentino, Pérez Celis, realizado integramente con venecitas, concreto y bronce. Si no habrá sido bostero hasta la médula, que lo velaron en el estadio!!!
This beautifull mural (actually are two) by Pérez Celis, also an argentinean artist, is totally made in little ceramic pieces, concrete and bronze. He was such a fanatic of Boca Juniors, that when he died the ceremony was done at the Stadium!
This beautifull mural (actually are two) by Pérez Celis, also an argentinean artist, is totally made in little ceramic pieces, concrete and bronze. He was such a fanatic of Boca Juniors, that when he died the ceremony was done at the Stadium!
Una pena, no le pude sacar fotos al mural que el mismísimo Quinquela Martín pintó en el hall de entrada del club. Toda una obra de arte!
Shops and conventillos outside the Stadium.
Conventillos were the first houses that inmigration (especially from Europe, Italian most of them) build whem they arrived in Argentina. These houses were made with poor materials and in one convetillo used to lived about 4 or 5 family, one in each room. They shared one bathroom and one kitchen.
Stars wall at the museum